Milton Ulladulla Model Railway Club

Milton Ulladulla Model Railway Club Inc

Our Milton /Ulladulla local model railway club is undergoing a major development. I read the local newspaper articles and upon searching for a website, realised they had none. I approached the club president and offered my services (foc) and they welcomed the opportunity to take up my offer.

A few weeks later, I presented an overview of a test website to their members at the new clubhouse and it was well accepted. I recommended they set one committee member to coordinate with me and so the design and creation process commenced in earnest and then a new website was published very quickly!

I have used the Access Press theme – Parallax Pro and designed using club colours. I have also taken the photographic images as the new museum and railway models take shape. The total move and opening are aimed to be completed by end 2019.

Members have expressed their appreciation for the new website and also the quality of the design & images……I am always very appreciative of receiving those thanks.

I’ll continue as website manager for the club, thus alleviating any large commitment for the members to have to do website maintenance. The design is such that it is mainly an information stop providing a very professional profile for the club. It is not designed to be a continually updating website.

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