Killer Bug Pest Solutions - website design

Killer Bug Pest Solutions – Theme update

As of Oct 2021 the website is deleted, the family have Closed their business.

The history of the website development was; I originally built this website back in early 2018 using the WordPress 2017 Theme. @2020, time has caught up with it due to tech advances and “Mr Google” 🙄 meaning it no longer meets the ‘mobile’ design criteria! Hence to ensure the SEO optimisation the website required a new theme and update.

As this change has affected a range of my prior designed website, I have researched for the latest free WordPress themes and 2 standouts are now my go to options.  I chose, Astra and OceanWP themes, both with excellent free theme options.

For their website re-design I used OceanWP Theme, as it best suited design options.

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